Play Audio & Video with media­element.js
Photo by Corey Blaz

Video & Music Player

Play Audio & Video with media­element.js

mediaelement.js is like magic. It’s browser and device support is perfect. To activate the video or audio player just set the following variable in front matter to true.

mediaplayer: true

To use the player just use some HTML5-magic like…

<audio src="" type="audio/mp3" controls="controls"></audio>

All possible functions and how to use mediaelement.js is well-documented on the players website.

»Music From All Around The World«

»Music From All Around The World« is a compilation curated by Jeannette Corneille and Moritz “mo.” Sauer for Cover Artwork designed by Jeannette Corneille. All tracks were released under a creative commons licence.

B-Ju - »Philly Run«

Comfort Fit - »Freeze The Cut«

The Black Atlantic - »Dandelion«

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